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For the rest of your life, you could have the time of your life.

Discover how to live your life God's way, with wholehearted, unwavering faith, allowing you to hear Him speak and direct your steps. God would not have told you to, Trust the Lord with your whole heart and He will direct your steps, if it wasn't possible.

Both sides of Barry Meguiar's family are multigenerational Christians, and his whole life has been centered around the church. Scriptural truths in this book were learned and proved to be true by the overwhelming challenges he faced building Meguiar's Car Wax from a small family business into a global brand.

American Christians can memorize Scripture, believe it to be true, recite it in prayer, sing about it, and fail to apply it to their lives. How could so many American Christians say they trust God with their whole heart while living in fear? Recent studies have found over 75 percent of all Christians are living in fear today.

If you're worrying and praying and wondering why your prayers go unanswered, it's quite simple. James 1 reveals that those who worry and pray are double-minded, unstable, and unable to expect God to answer their prayers. That's because fear is the opposite of faith, and without faith it's impossible to please God. Unfortunately, this is where most American Christians now find themselves.

With fear as a weapon, Satan is sterilizing Christians today on a mass basis, making it impossible for them to reproduce themselves. Without faith, you can't share your faith, because you can't share what you don't have. When you're worrying as much as the world is worrying, you've left the faith, in fact, you're no longer a believer. Here's the good news, there's a way to effortlessly achieve unwavering, wholehearted faith that will Ignite Your Life!

Ignite Your Life by Barry Meguior

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